Friday, March 24, 2006

"Thread was being aborted" while enabling Full-text indexing

If you, due to problems, disable the WSS full-text indexing component, it might be possible that you receive an error when you try to enable the component again:

Thread was being aborted

This can be solved by performing the following steps (source: WSS Administration Guide):
- Stop Microsoft Search service
- Stop MSSQLServer service
- Start MSSQLServer service
- Start Microsoft Search service
- Open the SQL Query Analyzer
- For each content database run:
exec proc_DisableFullTextSearch
exec proc_EnableFullTextSearch
This enables the FTS outside of Sharepoint. After these steps are performed, Sharepoint must still be configured to show the search box.
To do this, check the enable full-text indexing component in the central admin.

If the error still occures, increase the time-out value for the Central Admin site.
This can be done by increasing the "executionTimeout" value (default 600 seconds) in the web.config in
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\ADMIN\1033
(<httpRuntime executionTimeout="600">)

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