Sunday, June 28, 2009

[WSSv3\MOSS] Shortcoming in stsadm MergeContentDbs - does not support multiple SQL instances

In our environment we have multiple SQL instances that host the content databases. Just tried to copy a site collection from one content database on one SQL instance to another content database on a different SQL instance. Unfortunately I got the following message:

"The databases need to be on the same database server in order to combine them"

It looks like the command does not support multiple SQL instances, which would be a real shortcoming.


Mina said...

Hi Yorick
have you figured this out.
I have the same scenario and don't know what to do

Yorick said...

I have talked to a MS engineer about this issue and he confirmed that this issue is "as designed". They was Microsoft has build this tool, both databases have to be on the same database server......unfortunately.

