Wednesday, September 12, 2007

List columns in SPS2003/WSSv2 and MOSS2007/WSSv3

In SharePoint 2003/WSSv2 there were some limitations on the number of columns of a certain type:

Lists in Windows SharePoint Services can only contain a certain number of fields or columns. If a list in your site contains too many fields or columns, it are not migrated. You must manually re-create the list. Note that this includes surveys. The maximum numbers for fields and columns are:

  • 64 text fields, including the following field types: Single line of text, Choice, Hyperlink, or Picture.
  • 16 Lookup fields
  • 16 Date and Time fields
  • 16 Yes/No fields
  • 32 Number and Currency fields
  • 32 Multiple lines of text fields
WSSv2 Admin Guide

In MOSS2007/WSSv3 these limitations are gone. The only limitations is the performance of your list: Sharepoint 2007 - Column Limits

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